Every year, crane accidents cause millions of dollars in damages in North America. Most of the time, things can be overlooked without crane owners and manager even knowing about it. With current available technology, there is no reason to rely on safety training and operator awareness alone for the delicate operation of these highly productive but also potentially dangerous machines. Prevention is as easy as having the proper education, experience as well as monitoring tools to ensure miscalculations and accidents don’t happen.
Crane Management Solution is at the forefront of this technology within the Industry in the deployment of a Management Product Online Application to minimize documentation management hassles, ensure preventive maintenance and overall crane management responsibilities from all parties involved and completed in a timely and effective manner.
So what is CraneDash Management System?
Who is the CraneDash Management System
designed for?
Why you should adopt the CraneDash Application
A Crane Management System must also educate operators of Federal and Provincial laws and regulations, regarding crane operation. It is crucial in making sure that all operators are aware of and abide by all the various health and safety codes, acts, and regulations legislated within their area of operation. Crane operators must also know how to properly maintain and inspect their cranes to meet applicable standards, and they must be properly educated on all the necessary pre-operational, operational, and post-operational requirements that must be followed as per Manufacturer’s specifications. |
Supervisors must also be fully aware and be able to follow all safety rules and regulations and be able to monitor and evaluate each operator’s performance, taking appropriate action when an operator is not actively abiding by safe work-practices. They must have relevant knowledge, operator experience, instructional experience, excellent communication skills, and it is also highly recommended that they take an in-depth course in operator training before in order to become qualified. |